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Artisanat - HAITI

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Le DG. de la PNH, Godson Orélus annonce des dispositions prises par l'institution pour lutter contre le phénomène banditisme, à l'occasion des fêtes de fin d'année.

2 Views · 2 years ago

Le Président de la République, Michel Joseph Martelly, a entamé une série de consultations, au Palais national avec différents secteurs religieux et un groupe Sénateur autour de la crise pré-électorale.

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4 Views · 2 years ago

PDM-H est une offre de services de l’ONG Peace Dividend Trust en Haiti et est disponible pour les fournisseurs dans les domaines suivants : <br /><br />Un Site Web Interactif: <br /><br />Un Centre de Passation des Marchés (CPM) <br /><br />Un Service de Matchmaking Acheteurs/Fournisseurs <br /><br />Un Centre de Formation <br /><br />Un Service d’Étude de Marché

2 Views · 2 years ago

je veux montrer aux gens que haiti peuvent se développer sans l'aide des gouvernement occidentaux <br />haitien en avant pour un haiti meilleur

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3 Views · 2 years ago

Un collectif réunissant des artistes, Haïtiens et Guyanais, s’est regroupé autour d’un projet « VibZ Pou Haïti » afin de récolter des fonds pour la reconstruction et l'aide en Haïti. <br />4 Mois après la catastrophe,alors que les médias perdent de l'intérêt pour cette cause,le collectif VibZ Pou Haïti décide de rappeler qu'il est important de donner encore de l'espoir à la population de ce pays meurtri,depuis le 12 janvier 2010.

4 Views · 2 years ago

Ordinary Haitians said yesterday they expected little from the meeting between U.S. President Back Obama and Haitian President Rene Preval. Preval and Obama are in Washington DC to discuss reconstruction efforts for Haiti, which was left devastated after the January 12 earthquake. <br /><br />Many Haitians do not trust the Preval government. <br /><br />[Pierre Aliodor, Local]: (Male, English) <br />''We don't get nothing to eat, we don't have a safe place to live, you know what I mean, so we don't have nothing, we are just living alone so we don't see the Haitian government so that's the reason, when Preval is moving, meeting with Obama, he just gonna take care of his business so he don't gonna do nothing for the Haitian people.” <br /><br />[Sherlyne Theodor, Local]: (Female, Creole) <br />''Nothing serious. The poor will become poorer, the bad will become worse, the upper class will be more upper class and the white will stay white. Nothing serious to expect.'' <br /><br />But there are a few who hope that the meeting will produce tangible results. <br /><br />[Pierriatil Fritzner, Local]: (Male, English) <br />''I think the meeting will be positive for the Haitian people because we need the American help to rebuild the country.'' <br /><br />Legislative elections were originally scheduled for February 28 but got delayed by the earthquake. <br /><br />The U.S. has already given almost $700 million into Haitian reconstruction efforts. <br /><br />Preval said up to 300,000 people were killed in the disaster and tens of thousands of people remain in flimsy tent cities around the capital.

4 Views · 2 years ago

Haiti News - Nouvelles d'Haiti 23 Mars, 2013<br/>

9 Views · 2 years ago

Foli Danse Haiti -St Marc Haiti Auditions

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Read Ebook Now <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Read Books Haitian Creole Dictionary and Phrasebook: Haitian Creole-english English-haitian

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Read or Download Now<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Read Haitian Creole Dictionary and Phrasebook: Haitian Creole-english English-haitian Creole

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This is a photo essay of our Haiti Mission to Port Au Prince, Haiti. Please continue to share, talk and donate. And most of all.... Please. Do not forget.<br /><br />Thank You <br />Nelson

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Haïti.- Université d'Etat d'Haiti / Vent de panique

1 Views · 2 years ago This prayer is dedicated to the great people of Haiti and those whom were lost or hurt by the earth quake disaster. This prayer is asking God to grant those in needs with strength, understanding and a super natural blessing. Our prayer is that God bless everyone who helps those in need directly or indirectly. If you know anyone affected by the Haiti disaster, we ask that you share this video prayer with them that God may give them comfort and great blessings. May God continue to bless you! Pastor Darrin and Annette Phelps

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