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69 Views · 2 years ago

The World and Democracy
Time Warner Cable, MNN
Published: December 7, 2010

Haiti Came to South Korea's Rescue in 1950 and Helped Other Nations

By Smith Georges

New York - Haiti helped South Korea with Military and Financial Supports in 1950 during the Korean War. The Ambassador of South Korea revealed that during the Veteran's Day Parade in New York City on November 11, 2010.
History records that The Korean War began on June 25, 1950. Haiti was one of the first countries to assist the Republic of Korea, which is known today as South Korea. It was a military conflict (1950--armistice, 1953)between the Republic of Korea, that was supported by the United Nations, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which was supported by People's Republic of China (PRC), with air support from the Soviet Union. An armistice was signed on 27 July 1953. The war was a result of the political division of Korea by agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War. The Korean peninsula had been ruled by Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II. In 1945, following the surrender of Japan, American administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th Parallel, with United States troops occupying the southern part and Soviet troops occupying the northern part.

The first inhabitants of the island of Haiti (Ayiti) were the Arawaks, theTainos, the Caribs and the Ciboneys. In 1492, Christopher Columbus arrived with the Spanish expedition and introduced slavery to the Caribbean. In 1503 the Spanish brought the first enslaved Africans to the Caribbean region after the Indians were decimated due to diseases and hard labor imposed upon them by the colonists.

The Haitians produced the world's only successful slave revolution in 1791. A revolution that led to their independence in 1804. From 1804 to present, there have been Haitian King, Emperors and Presidents. After suffering cruel, inhuman and barbaric treatment in the hands of their white oppressors, the Haitians rose up and fought bloody battles to defeat colonialism and imperialism.

Haitian Hero Toussaint Louverture defeated the Spanish, the British, and the French (Napoleonic army). The Haitians gained their freedom through self-determination. The Haitians are strong, proud and resilient people. They produced amazing accomplishments during the time of slavery by leaving their indelible imprints profoundly inscribed in the annals of world history.

In January 1804, they declared their independence. In the 18th century, the Atlantic stage was shared with three democratic revolutions: the American Revolution (1776), the French Revolution (1789) and the Haitian Revolution 1791-1804).

4,460 Views · 2 years ago

A trip to Haiti in the 1950s

1950s, Caribbean, Windward Passage, Caribbean Sea, ship traveling Windward Passage, Hispaniola, Dominican Republic, mountains, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, cityscape, coast, seaplane landing in harbor, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, National Palace, National School of Medicine, market, Creole, vendors selling and covering goods for lunchtime, portable stoves cooking food, buildings, street scenes, pedestrians, pack animals, maypole celebration, musicians playing instruments, people wearing ceremonial headdresses, children in native clothing and headdresses holding bow and arrows, people wearing masks and clothing in celebration of plantation slaves, parade, people dancing on street, coastline, peninsula, mountains, port, Cap-Haïtien, Cap-Haitien, Milot, Sans-Souci Palace, children, tourists taking guided horseback rides on trail up to Citadelle Laferrière, Citadelle Laferriere, mountains, hut, port, ships

2,481 Views · 2 years ago

Este video es una muestra del carnaval de haiti en el 1950, aqui se pueden ver cachuas de cabral y barahona, debido a la influencia de la cercania de la zona. El video completo se llama (Divine Horsemen, the living gods of haiti) y trata sobre budu, en este caso decidimos publicar la parte del carnaval que es la que mas nos interesa.

6,659 Views · 2 years ago

Missionaries Francais aux Antilles or French Missionaries in the Caribbean 1950's
Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Several shots of students and buildings at the University of Haiti. Students entering a building marked 'Anatomie'. Anatomy.
L'Observatoire du Seminaire-College Saint Martiale. Observatory. View of missionary brother taking notes beside a wind-gauge; another brother looking through a telescope. A brother descends the circular staircase from the top of the observatory. Several shots of brothers sitting at desks and taking notes. One brother checks readings of a number of scientific instruments (probably barometric pressure and moisture content of air).
Archbishop of Haiti greeting (handshakes) dignitaries visiting Haiti.
A group of adolescent boys, accompanied by a missionary priest, walks through a plantation in Haiti. The boys inspect a man-made water channel. A woman leads a donkey loaded with materials on its back down a road. View of a sugar-cane field; camera pans across a field, to a road and stone wall. In the countryside, men walk alongside oxen pulling a loaded cart. Shot of a plantation. A bell, suspended outside, near the plantation fields. Close-up of bell, with words cast on its exterior. A (non-functioning) fountain in a field. A priest with Haitian boys in the countryside. Women walking in the rugged countryside, bundles on their heads. Shots of 2 former colonial French forts in Haiti. Shots of cannons and cannonballs preserved from colonial times, in a field. A cemetery, showing the tomb of a former colonial governor of Haiti. The Capetian Hospital in Haiti. Shot of nursing sisters and a man walking in the hospital. 5 shots of churches in Haiti. 2 shots of the Isle de la Tortue, its coastline as viewed from an airplane. Panning shot of rugged, mountainous Haitian landscape.
Panning shot of a town in Haiti, ending with a view of people outside of a church. Lines of Haitians walking through a town. Women and children walking in a religious procession, behind a banner, along a street and into a church in Haiti.

1 Views · 2 years ago

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1,328 Views · 2 years ago

Haiti 1950 le centre d'art by haitian history channel

The centre d'art de Port-au-Prince in Haiti, was founded in 1944 by Dewitt Peters.An American who went to Haiti to teach english.
During its thirteen years in existence, the centre d'art has given an equal opportunity to several hundred individuals,the great majority were from the lower class.
A few of them have seized the opportunity, becoming in the process good and individualistic artists and greatly improving their social and economic positions.Men like Hector Hyppolite,Castera Bazile and Philome Obin have all been given support by the centre d'art.
The fact that the larger percentage of these artists came from the lower or submerged class has been the greatest contribution of the Centre d'Art to Haitian culture and to Haitian society.No Copyright Infringement intended. I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO

8,346 Views · 2 years ago

At anchor in Port au Prince, Haiti. Aerial view of Haiti. The White House, Port au Prince. The army on parade. The Port au Prince market. Beach market under royal palm trees. Fish for sale. A boy climbs a palm tree. Huts with palm frond roofs. A woman on a donkey rides past cacti. Landscape of hills. Ruins of the palace belonging to the emperor Jean Cristoff. Close up of ruins. Palm trees. African dancing by man and two women to drums. Dancers, drummer. Palm trees.

336 Views · 2 years ago

Haiti in the West Indies in the 1950's. Three women walk past camera carrying baskets on their heads, lots of people gather in wooded area, hill stretches into distance. The market that takes place on this hill, the ground is carpeted with goods, a woman bends down arranging items while people move about. Camera pans across from a pony and people standing in the distance under trees to the market on the hill. People stand about, most people wear white, women wear head scarfs and hats. Girl sits on the ground, a boy pours a tin of beans into her lap, she gives him some money. The beans are laid out on material on the ground. People seated and standing, buying and selling produce. Woman in stripy dress, picks up some bread rolls from a huge wicker basket., she gives a man some money, as she walks away two other girls stand by the bread basket, one balances a piece of bread on her head. Stall on the ground, woman buys something, looks like flat bread, hands money over. Distant view of market on the hill, figure walks past camera carrying a basket on his/her head, has sticks or twigs in it.
Parked cars and Mini buses, palm trees and people walking about. Man in white cotton suit and hat reaches up to a suitcase on top of a mini bus, driver stands on the roof arranging luggage. People walk past a bus. Modes of transport are shown. Large open coach is parked, in front is a heap of baskets and sacks on the ground. Man stands on top of the luggage rack. Close-up of a car, plaque above windscreen says 'Fleur de Mai.' Man walks past camera carrying what looks like bananas above his head, possible destination written above windscreen, St Pierre, people wait to get on it. Close-up of bus windscreen, 'Toujours Reine Saut Beau,' above windscreen, luggage heaped on roof. Another bus, two men stand in front of it, plaque says 'Volonte Dieu,' man walks past camera carrying a stack of hats.
Lots of people, walking and standing, market stall roofs are visible in the distance, girl carrying stack of hats though crowd. Close-up of market goers. Large arch under which market stalls are set up, selling linen, people carry boxes on their heads. Camera pans back to show more of archway and building above, market is situated at the foot of it.
Large groups of people standing or milling around, farmland, field with cattle/oxen? Man arranges large sacks on a boat. Boats, huts on the beach. A boy steers a boat, other men sit and stand, the large sail catches the wind, mountains are faint in the distance.

7,888 Views · 2 years ago

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England faces the United States on day two of the World Cup in South Africa.

In their only previous World Cup match back in 1950 the US underdogs beat the English team 1-0.

It is considered one of the greatest sporting upsets of all-time.

Joe Gaetjens, a Haitian-American, scored the decisive US goal, but when he returned to his native Haiti, he disappeared after being discredited by the government.

And 60 years later, it is still not known what happened to him.

Al Jazeera's Todd Baer reports.

[June, 12, 2010]

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10,732 Views · 2 years ago

#haiti1950 #haiti50's #subscribe #abonez-vous #suscribirte
Here we have an excerpt from the Republic of HAITI in the 1950s! the beauty of this country, the cleanliness and harmony of the people of that time, a HAITI which today is greatly missed by many people who lived in this area! and which makes people of that time want to know that they have known only problems of insecurity, and natural disasters.

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel please!!!!

¡Aquí tenemos un extracto de la República de HAITÍ en la década de 1950! la belleza de este país, la limpieza y la armonía de la gente de esa época, ¡un HAITÍ que hoy en día es muy extrañado por muchas personas que vivían en esta zona! y que hace que la gente de esa época quiera saber que solo han conocido problemas de inseguridad, y desastres naturales.

No olvides suscribirte al canal por favor!!!!

Ici, nous avons un extrait de la République d'HAÏTI dans les années 1950 ! la beauté de ce pays, la propreté et l'harmonie des gens de cette époque, une HAÏTI qui aujourd'hui manque beaucoup à beaucoup de gens qui vivaient dans cette région ! et cela donne envie aux gens d'alors de savoir qu'ils n'ont connu que des problèmes d'insécurité, et des catastrophes naturelles.

N'oubliez pas de vous abonner à la chaîne svp !!!!

2 Views · 2 years ago

Please watch: "5BX "Five Basic Exercises"- Royal Canadian Air Force Training Film (1959)" --~--
For Canada 150, and thereafter, we are featuring this wonderful Classic Canadian documentary documentary that depicts life in the beautiful post war nation of Haiti. Beautiful Haitian music and choreography add to the joy of watching this short 16mm educational that does a great job of teaching us about this great nation that has, unfortunately since, been ravaged by the 2010 quake.

2 Views · 2 years ago

The centre d'art de Port-au-Prince in Haiti, was founded in 1944 by Dewitt Peters.An American who went to Haiti to teach english.
During its thirteen years in existence, the centre d'art has given an equal opportunity to several hundred individuals,the great majority were from the lower class.
A few of them have seized the opportunity, becoming in the process good and individualistic artists and greatly improving their social and economic positions.Men like Hector Hyppolite,Castera Bazile and Philome Obin have all been given support by the centre d'art.
The fact that the larger percentage of these artists came from the lower or submerged class has been the greatest contribution of the Centre d'Art to Haitian culture and to Haitian society.

3 Views · 2 years ago

Port-Au-Prince des années 40 et 50

2 Views · 2 years ago

This video is about 1980's Port-Au-Prince Haiti

2 Views · 2 years ago

Ayiti nan lane 1938

2,235 Views · 2 years ago

A film about artists in Haiti in the 1950s. 1950s, Haiti, Haitians, Haitian artists, Haitian arts, fine arts, painting, sculpture, high angle Port-au-Prince skyline, street scenes, marketplace, pedestrians, women carrying produce and wares on trays / in baskets on their heads, musicians performing, drummers, visual arts, famous Haitian painters and sculptors at work painting and sculpting, Castera Bazile, Rigaud Benoit, Wilson Bigaud, Holy Trinity Cathedral, biblical murals painted by Haitian artists inside cathedral, sculptor Jasmin Joseph.

To license footage from this film for commercial use visit:

2 Views · 2 years ago

1954, People, the market and architecture, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

3 min 56 secs, 16mm 2k digital scan

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80+ hours original programming. Reel Life, PTOCS & CanadaMotorSports

Launched in 2010, Canadamotorsports has specialized in auto racing videos, all original footage primarily in Western Canada with the occasional interesting foray elsewhere. Reel Life now features vintage film footage and contemporary video of all varieties including motorsports, 30+ countries, historical events and more. 16mm amateur film footage from 1923 to 1983.

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